Second Week Prayer Units
(Unit 15 -- 22 )

Prayer Unit 15

Theme: The Kingdom Exercise presents Ignatius' image of Jesus revealing God's dream for the world. The themes of this exercise give the context for the Gospel Contemplations on Jesus' public life. Hopefully, by attending to Ignatius' personal image/myth transformed in Jesus, you will be more disposed to hear God's call during this Exercises journey.
Grace: To ask for what I desire -- to discover Jesus in my own personal story so that I, in love with him, may be more open to hear his call in the unique and concrete circumstances of my life.
Prayer Texts:
a) Mt 3:13 Jesus leaves home. Spend the last few days at home with him just before he leaves for his journey to the river Jordan. Listen to him share the dream of his heart and listen to Mary recall some of her stories that have been important for them.
b) Mt 3:13 Be with Jesus as he takes his leave from his mother and relatives and accompany him to the Jordan. Share your hopes, dreams, and desire to follow his Spirit in your own life. 
c) Mt 3:13-17 Go with Jesus to the Jordan River and be with him during his baptism. See how the Spirit is giving him a deeper sense of his own story.
d) Kingdom Consider Ignatius' dream and its possible fulfilment in Jesus [91]-[98].
e) Kingdom Through his personal image or parable, Ignatius was connected with God's dream for the world. Spend some time in fashioning your personal image which can engage you with God's dream for the world:
— If you could take your deepest desire and vision for the world, and express it in a personal myth or story, what would it be? 
— What kind of person would embody this vision? — What would be an appropriate and expected response to this person? 
— Since Jesus is the embodiment of all one's deepest desires, what prayer or offering do you desire to make now?
f) Repetition  
Additional Readings for reflection outside prayer times:
Wis 9 As Jesus leaves home, Solomon's prayer for wisdom may very well have been Jesus' prayer expressing his own deeply felt dreams and desires.
Lk 14:25-30  Jesus invites us to make a radical commitment to his Abba in the same way that he did in his own life.
Jer 1:4-10  The experience at the Jordan may have been similar to the call of Jeremiah.
Acts 10:34-38 This is Peter's description of Jesus' experience in the Jordan River
Ps 89 which was an overwhelming consolation, like the anointing described in this psalm. Through this consolation, Jesus was anointed, and perhaps, he came to understand himself and his story as the suffering servant.
 Is 42:1-9;  Is 49:1-7 These servant texts give an idea of the meaning of the consolation Jesus received in the Jordan.
Lk 9:23-26;  Lk 9:57-62 Jesus calls us radically to a form of poverty and self-renunciation,
Eph 4:17-24 to lay aside our former way of life, to acquire a spiritual way of thinking -- to make choices according to deeper desires,
2Cor 5:15-21 and to join him in the work of reconciliation.
2Cor 12:7-10 Despite our weaknesses, God acts through us with the Spirit's presence and strength.

Prayer Unit 16
Theme: After being strengthened and becoming more sensitive through his desert experience, Jesus begins his public and political life.
Grace: To ask for what I desire -- a deep-felt knowledge of God become human for me so that I might love Jesus more and follow his Spirit more closely.

Prayer Texts:

a) Mt 4:1-11 Be with Jesus as he is tempted in the desert.
b) Lk 4:14-32 Accompany Jesus as he experiences rejection from the people of his own town.
c) Repetition  
d) Repetition  
e) Application  of Senses  
f) Two Standards [136]-[147].

        How am I being called to cooperate with others in developing a more caring world? If I am to be a follower of Jesus, and given my own personal story and gifts, what elements or nuances would characterize my following of Jesus? The tapestry of Jesus' life is woven from many threads and colours. Which of these threads and colours need to be part of my own tapestry?

    Poverty of spirit means that my confidence is in God alone, not even in my own talents or gifts or achievements. It is to open to God all the resources of my intellect, heart, possessions and time. It is to cooperate consciously with God's dream for planet earth in my plans, endeavours and choices. It means that I am sufficiently detached from such things as my need for approval, esteem, possessions, etc. so that I am dependent only on God's Spirit.
Additional Readings for reflection outside prayer times:
Rom 5:18-19 In the desert, Jesus is tempted to be disobedient to his call and follow the way of political or miraculous power. By overcoming these temptations, he reverses our disobedience symbolized in the story of Eve and Adam.
Ps 94:17-23 There he experienced poverty of spirit -- empty of all resources except his dependence on his Abba,
Ps 91 and so over and over again, he places his trust in his nurturing God.
Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-10  This is a description of the kind of struggle he went through,
Sir 51 and so at the end of it, his prayer might very well have been like this. Through his struggles he recalled and relearned and received the wisdom that was to be his during the next three years during which
Mk 8:31-33 he would be able to recognize the same tempter again in another way.
 We can rely on a power at work in nature and the human heart, a power, a truth
that will heal and unite us.
We will join the dance of the universe, find our common ground
here in our garden home -- the earth.

-- from "Wounded Earth, Wonder Earth,"
 the 1989 calendar by Mary Southard

  Failure is implicit in challenge.
It wouldn't be a challenge if we knew we could do it.

 -- from "The Woman's Comfort Book" by Jennifer Louden

Prayer Unit 17

Theme: The more we to notice the Spirit's urgings leading us to hear God's call in the concrete and practical dimensions of our living, the more we experience the tug of riches, the desire for esteem, and the desire for independence. In seeking to imitate Jesus more effectively, we hope to become more dependent on God than on anything we are or possess.
Grace: To ask for what I desire -- a growing ability to recognize the deceits of Satan in the decisions I make and the strength to guard myself against them. I also ask for a deepening knowledge of Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, so that I may make decisions according to his standard and approach.

Prayer Texts:
In the a), b) and f) texts below, use a slightly different method of prayer -- begin with more of a rumination with God. In the other periods, begin with Gospel Contemplation.

a) Two Standards with the Triple Colloquy. Pay attention to the first part of the exercise and try to see the application of this both to yourself as an individual and to yourself as a person being influenced by your own culture.
b) Two Standards  with the Triple Colloquy. Pay more attention here to the second part of the exercise. Try to see the application of this in the unique circumstances of your life.
c) Lk 6:17-23 The beatitudes express the standard of Jesus. Enter into the event that is described. Be present and listen as Jesus is speaking. Allow his words to affect you. The beatitudes are not a list of what you must achieve before God. Rather they are a description of how God sees you when you have entered a deep relationship with Jesus.
d) Repetition  or 
                  Lk 18:18-30

The call of the rich person with the Triple Colloquy.
e) Repetition with the Triple Colloquy.
f) Three Classes 
                    of Persons

[149]-[156]; read carefully notation [157].

Additional Readings for reflection outside prayer times:

Mt 13:24-30,  36-43 Parable of the weeds and the wheat; both weeds and wheat exist within us individually and within the social structures of our world.
Mk 6:17-44 The image of the two banquets is the image of the two standards.
Mk 10:35-45 Generous persons like James and John often seek to follow Jesus out of a desire for significance.
1Pt 2:1—3:17 Peter applies the call to poverty of spirit to persons of his culture? How does this apply to me and my culture?
  Even during the high tide of our passing time, we still keep on arranging that elegant tie which presents us formally to the indifferent world.

 -- from "Reflections and Preoccupations" by Jaroslav Havelka

Prayer Unit 18
Theme: According to the unique circumstances of my life (i.e., health, social environment, finances, personality, time, family character, gifts, feedback from others, desires, etc.), Jesus desires that I consciously cooperate with others in the enterprise of his Spirit and the desire of his Abba.
Grace: To ask for what I desire -- enlightenment concerning the area(s) of my living that require decisions at this time; and enough freedom to know and make choices in harmony with God's desires for me.

Prayer Texts:
The prayer material of a) and b) is intended as a help to discover the matter around which God desires that I make a decision at this time. If this is not appropriate here, I can choose two texts from the additional readings below. Prayer exercise c) is a meditation to help in the same way; but it will also show me whether or not I am ready now to enter into the decision-making process.

a) I imagine a person before me, one whom I have never met before. S/he is seeking my advice concerning the areas of her/his life that call for some decision-making. I listen as s/he talks to me. S/he describes all her/his experiences of the Spiritual Exercises from the beginning until this time -- the insights, the graces received, the desires welling-up in her/his heart, the urging, the difficulties, etc. -- and asks for my opinion as to what areas need decisions. I help clarify things for her/him. Then I dialogue with Jesus about it.

b) I imagine myself several years from now at the point of death. With the freedom and clarity of this vantage point, what material do I wish I would have considered for decision-making during the weeks of these Spiritual Exercises:  job?  family?  apostolate?  recreation? lifestyle?  I dialogue with Jesus about it.

c) Three Classes
                      of Persons
[150]-[157] with the Triple Colloquy.
d) Jn 1:35-51 Call of the apostles.
e) Lk 5:1-Il Call of Peter
f) Repetition  

Additional Readings for reflection outside prayer times:

Matthew Chapters 5 through 7  ---   Sermon on the Mount.

Lk 9:59;  Lk 12:16-21;  Mt 7:21;  Mt 13:45-46;  Mt 19:16-22
Mt 19:27-30;  Mt 25:24-25;  Mk 12:41-44

Responding to my challenge to him to mortify and go against his personal pattern of operating, my friend wisely replied, "I don't want to do mortification.
I don't want to focus on this as a battle to be fully engaged in and won -- because the battle comes out of a paradigm of enmity. I want to change the paradigm to one of friendship; and then, instead of conquering the enemy territory and leaving it in ruins,
I am invited to walk in it as a friend."

 -- David Howells

Prayer Unit 19

Theme: .Jesus' public ministry.
Grace: To ask for what I desire -- a deep-felt knowledge of God become human for me so that I might love Jesus more and follow his Spirit more closely.

Prayer Texts:

a) Jn 2:1-11 The wedding feast at Cana.
b) Lk 7:1-10 Cure of the centurion's servant.
c) Mk 5:25-34 Healing of the woman with a haemorrhage.
d) Repetition  
e) Application
                  of Senses
f) Three Kinds
                 of Humility

Additional Readings for reflection outside prayer times:

Mt 15:21-28 Jesus encounters the Canaanite woman.
Mt 15:29-31 Jesus heals suffering people.
Mt 19:13-15 Jesus blesses children.
Lk 10:38-42  Jesus visits Martha and Mary.
Lk 17:11-19  Jesus heals the ten lepers.
Lk 7:36-50  The sinful woman washes the feet of Jesus.
Jn 4:4-42 Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well.
  Spirituality is a matter of trust -- like trusting that the water will hold up your boat, or even that you can get out of the boat and swim.

 -- David Howells

Prayer Unit 20

Theme: Jesus' public ministry -- he confronts the unjust social structures of his day.
Grace: To ask for what I desire -- a deep-felt knowledge of God become human for me so that I might love Jesus more and follow his Spirit more closely.

Prayer Texts:

a) Three Kinds
                 of Humility
The third kind of humility is often experienced by those who carry out their Christian calling in the public domain.
b) Mk 2:23-28; 
                     Lk 6:6-11
Jesus confronts the unjust structures imposed by the Pharisees -- "The Sabbath is made for people and not people for the Sabbath."
c) Mt 23:1-19 Jesus preached not only against their personal hypocrisy but also against those structures that kept people oppressed.
d) Jn 2:13-22 Jesus casts the vendors out of the temple.
e) Repetition  
f) Repetition or the Application of Senses.

Additional Readings for reflection outside prayer times:

Lk 4:14-22 Jesus declares his mission -- God has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives.
Lk 7:18-23 Jesus explains his mission and work.
Lev 19:1-2,  11-18  You must not exploit or rob ... you must love your neighbour as yourself.
Is 1:10-26 What do I care about your sacrifices? Make justice your own ... redress the wronged.
Is 58:1-12 The fast that pleases me is to break the unjust shackles and undo the thongs of the yoke.
Is 61 The Spirit of God is upon me to proclaim justice ... they will be called oaks of justice.
Is 65:17-25 A vision of a renewed world -- no longer shall there be an infant who lives but a few days ... wolf and lamb shall feed together.
Lk 16:19-31 Parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
 To Follow Jesus Completely

         My Lord Jesus, may I love you completely with my entire self and embrace totally and without hesitation whatever you embraced. Therefore may I love the world as you loved it and abhor worldly wisdom of falseness, greed and pride as you abhorred them.

         As persons, living according to worldly wisdom, love and eagerly seek approval of others, a good reputation, status and "the good life;" may I loyally follow you and eagerly desire the contrary.

        I love you so much and so appreciate what you have done for me that I desire to be like you in all things. I desire to live life in your skin — that is, to use your approach in my choices leaving myself open to experience the consequences you experienced.

        Therefore if it could be done without hurting anyone else or disappointing our Caring God, I desire to be insulted, rejected, and written off as a nobody in order to be more like you, my loving Lord Jesus, and follow more closely in your footsteps. You are the true way that leads us to life. If worldly wisdom can make its adherents greedily love the approval of others, status, riches, pursuit of the illusions of one's ego how much more can you make your followers love integrity, poverty, rejection and the cross!

 --- adapted from a prayer from the Liber Devotionum

Prayer Unit 21

Theme: Jesus' public ministry.
Grace: To ask for what I desire -- a deep-felt knowledge of God become human for me so that I might love Jesus more and follow his Spirit more closely.

Prayer Texts:

a) Mt 14:13-21 Jesus feeds an immense crowd of people.
b) Mt 14:22-33 Jesus walks on the water.
c) Mt 17:1-13,  22-23  Jesus is transfigured and he speaks about his rejection and suffering.
d) Repetition  
e) Repetition  
f) Application
                    of Senses

Additional Readings for reflection outside prayer times:

Mt 8:23-27 Jesus calms the storm.
1Kgs 19:9-13 Elijah discovers God in the quiet breeze.
Jn 6 Multiplication of the loaves and the discourse on the bread of life.
On the Preaching
of Jesus --
Lk 19:47-48 
Jesus preaches in the temple.
Mk 12:35-44
He teaches according to the idiom of his listeners.
Jn 7:14-52 
He teaches only that which is given to him by his Abba. Many reject him.
Lk 10:1-24 
Jesus missions the seventy disciples to help him in his work. The person who hears you hears me.

Prayer Unit 22

Theme: Jesus' public ministry draws to a close.
Grace: To ask for what I desire -- a deep-felt knowledge of God become human for me so that I might love Jesus more and follow his Spirit more closely.

Prayer Texts:

a) Jn 11:1-44 Jesus calls Lazarus from the tomb.
b) Mt 26:6-16 The supper at Bethany.
c) Mt 21:1-11 Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey.
d) Repetition  
e) Repetition  
f) Application
                   of Senses

Additional Readings for reflection outside prayer times:

Jn 11:45-54 The leaders of the people decide on the death of Jesus ... it is better that one man suffer for the nation.
Ps 27 God is my light and salvation. Whom need I fear when evil people advance against me?
Ps 55 A prayer in persecution.
Mt 11:25-30  Come to me all you who labour and are burdened.
Lk 13:34; 19:41-44 Jesus weeps as he looks over Jerusalem.
Ps 118 Jesus is the stone rejected by the builders and Jesus will become the keystone ... blessings on them who come in the name of God.
Ps 122 I rejoiced when I heard them say, "Let us go to God's house."
Is 42:1-9 Suffering servant song.

Units (1-5) Disposition Weeks click here.
Units (6-9) First Week click here.
Units (10-14) Second Week (Jesus' Hidden Years) click here.
Units (15-22) Second Week (Jesus' Public Life & Ministry) click here.
Units (23-30) Third & Fourth Weeks (Death & Resurrection) click here.
Supplementary Prayer Units click here.

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